Your journey to balance and harmony

...starts here!

Awoken Mind

Enjoyable experiences

During a session with Tibetan bowls and gongs, most participants enter a state of deep relaxation. Many wake from the experience feeling rejuvenated, filled with energy, and inspired with new ideas for life. It is not uncommon for participants to fall into a regenerative sleep during the session.

Some people report vivid visions or feel as though they have been transported to distant places. Others describe the experience as the most profound meditation of their life. Individuals who are typically hyperactive often experience a sense of great peace. Many participants have shared that the sound and vibration of Tibetan bowls alleviated physical pains (e.g., headaches, joint pain), released muscle tension, cleared unwanted emotions, and helped them achieve inner balance.

Less enjoyable experiences

Occasionally, participants may experience symptoms of cleansing. For some, this can manifest as spontaneous crying, with tears that are impossible to stop. These tears often bring a sense of profound relief and emotional freedom. Others may feel extreme fatigue, a strong desire to sleep, or even intense hunger. In rare cases, participants have reported brief arrhythmias.

These less enjoyable symptoms are more common during individual sessions (sound massage), but they may also occur in group settings (sound bath) for highly sensitive individuals. Such reactions often indicate that blocked energies and emotions are being released, marking the start of a powerful healing process.

Why do extreme experiences occur?

During sound therapy with Tibetan bowls, negative emotions and long-held energetic blockages are released. For some participants, this may be the first time in years that their stressed body experiences true calm and deep relaxation.

Reactions vary from person to person, as each individual brings their unique emotions and life story into the session. After a session, the body must adapt to new vibrations and energies. The best way to navigate this adjustment is to listen to your body and intuition. Accept what comes without resistance—your body knows what it needs.

Being in the present moment

Regardless of the nature of your experience, one universal benefit of sound therapy is a heightened sense of presence in the here and now. Many people struggle to achieve this state in daily life, often caught up in the “rat race” or burdened by the weight of the past and worries about the future.

Sound therapy can help quiet the mind, allowing thoughts to fade and bringing clarity to the world around you. Colours may appear brighter, sounds more vivid, and emotions more authentic, all while your mind remains calm and trusting. You may feel strange at first, as this state of “being here and now” is often unfamiliar, but remember, it is your natural state.

Drink plenty of water

The sounds and vibrations of Tibetan bowls and gongs help purify the body at the cellular level, removing toxins and harmful metabolites. To aid this cleansing process, it is essential to drink plenty of water on the day of therapy and the day after.

Contraindications for sound therapy

Sound therapy is not suitable for everyone. Please inform your therapist of any conditions you are experiencing. The following are contraindications:

  • Pregnancy (first trimester)
  • Certain heart and cardiovascular conditions
  • Congestion
  • Acute inflammation
  • Some mental health conditions
  • Epilepsy and other neurological disorders
  • Implanted electronic devices, such as pacemakers