Sound is vibration…

and balances disharmony.

Awoken Mind

The sound will be a cure of the future.

/Edgar Cayce/

A human being as a whole

The human being is an inseparable whole, composed of spiritual, mental, and physical elements. Any influence on one aspect of our being simultaneously affects the others. Hippocrates believed that the natural forces within us are the true healers of disease. Similarly, Pythagoras argued that human beings are most effectively treated when viewed as complete and undivided organisms, a sum of their complex parts.

What is illness?

The ancient Greeks believed that health depended on maintaining the perfect balance of the body. In contrast, Indian traditions associated health with living in harmony with nature. Similarly, the ancient Chinese viewed health as a reflection of the vital energy they called Qi.

Disease is understood as the disruption of the body’s natural state of balance. Every illness begins at an energetic level, whether spiritual or mental, and then manifests physically, often affecting the organs. Illness can be seen as a physical manifestation of disharmony in the energetic field, often caused by unresolved emotions or negative thoughts. According to Mitchell Gaynor, M.D., sound has the power to restore balance at every level of our physiology, promoting healing for a wide range of illnesses.

How does the sound work?

Everything around us is energy. Scientists, particularly in the field of quantum physics, have demonstrated that matter does not exist in the way we traditionally perceive it. While we see solid matter as solid, this perception is a result of our brain translating reality in a specific way. Since everything around us, including ourselves, is energy, we can confidently state that everything vibrates. Our bodies, like the universe itself, strive for harmony and a higher order.

Much like a musical instrument that can fall out of tune with use, our bodies can lose their vibrational harmony, which can lead to the development of diseases. Sound therapies can play a crucial role in restoring this harmony, helping to “re-tune” us to health. One of the most powerful sound therapies involves the use of Tibetan bowls. As renowned oncologist Mitchell Gaynor, M.D., stated, sound is a vibration, and vibration affects every aspect of our existence. Sound is not just heard by our ears, it resonates with every cell in our body.

Does music affect cells?

Fabien Maman, a renowned musician and acupuncturist, conducted experiments to explore how music affects human body cells. These experiments were carried out in a university laboratory in Paris, focusing on the impact of sound on the nucleus and electromagnetic field of human cells. Both healthy cells and tumour cells were photographed during the process.

Tumour cell, instrument: gong

In this experiment, photographs were taken every minute following the strike of a gong. The primary sound of the gong was accompanied by overtones, producing a range of simultaneous, diverse, and dissonant frequencies. Over time, the sound gradually destabilised the structure of the cancer cell, ultimately causing it to rupture.

Awoken Mind

Tumour cell, instrument: acoustic guitar (notes A and B)

In this experiment, Fabien played the notes A and B on an acoustic guitar. Slightly older tumour cells were used, which displayed greater sensitivity and responded more quickly to the sound. Younger cells, however, were more resistant to the “treatment.” The sound acted like a pressure valve, pushing energy from the centre to the cell’s periphery. By photograph 25, a hole in the cytoplasmic membrane became visible. By the end of the experiment (photograph 34), the older cell (at the top) had grown to twice the size of the younger cell and was on the verge of rupture. A few additional notes would likely have caused it to explode.

Younger cells require more time to be affected, while older cells, being closer to disintegration, react faster and need less time to reach the point of “explosion”.

Awoken Mind

Tumour cell, instrument: xylophone (Ionian scale)

This experiment utilised a xylophone played in the Ionian scale (C, D, E, F, G, A, B, along with C and D from the next octave). With nine different frequencies applied, it took only 14 minutes to induce the cell’s rupture. The gradual destabilisation of the cell’s structure was clearly observed as new sounds were introduced.

Awoken Mind

The above pictures come from Fabian Maman’s book “The Role of Music in the Twenty-First Century”, 1997

Dr. Masaru Emoto and his water experiment

Many years ago, Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher and author, conducted groundbreaking experiments to explore how human consciousness and sound influence the structure of water. Emoto’s work gained international attention for its striking visual evidence of how thoughts, emotions, and music can shape the molecular arrangement of water. By exposing water samples to written words, spoken phrases, emotions, and music, he demonstrated that these external influences could dramatically alter the crystalline patterns formed when the water was frozen.

Using microscopic photography, Emoto observed that water exposed to positive emotions, such as love and gratitude, or to harmonious music, formed intricate, symmetrical, and beautiful crystal structures. In contrast, water exposed to negative emotions, such as anger or hatred, or discordant sounds, formed chaotic, fragmented, and irregular patterns.

Emoto’s research highlights the profound connection between consciousness, vibration, and the physical world. Considering that an adult’s body is composed of approximately 70% water (with estimates ranging from 60% to 80%), his findings suggest that our thoughts, emotions, and the sounds we are exposed to can directly influence our physical well-being. This reinforces the idea that “positive sounds” and uplifting emotions can help restore balance at the cellular level, promoting health and harmony.

While Emoto’s work has been met with both fascination and scepticism within the scientific community, his experiments have inspired deeper exploration into the relationship between energy, vibration, and the human body, sparking interest in holistic approaches to health and well-being.

Pictures by Dr. Masaru Emoto